Gourmet Hot Sauce (Macha) 10 GR Handmade sauce with a unique smoky flavor, essential in Mexican dishes. Originated in Pachuca in the kitchen of a house, the macha sauce of...
Green sauce with a unique homemade recipe that places it among the best green sauces on the market. About: The green sauce is made from green tomatillo harvested in...
Chipotle sauce with a unique smoked flavour that is absolutely delicious. About: Carey Chipotle Sauce es is a unique product, because unlike competing products that are practically...
Unique sauce en the Mexican market. Originating from en the state of Jalisco, Carey Taquera sauce will give a special touch to your stews, it has a special captivating aroma. The...
Gourmet Hot Sauce (Macha) The expiration date of this product has passed Artisan sauce with a unique smoky flavor, essential in Mexican dishes. Originated in Pachuca in the Mexican...
Mexican Sauce with a unique homemade recipe that places it among the best sauces in the world. Salsa Mexicana is one of the most famous sauces in the world, with a...